Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Planned Projects

Here are a few things I am working on (I have to constantly change what I'm doing or I risk getting bored and letting things go...):

  1. Perfect the pattern for a crochet block/granny square with my friend's beloved internet start up logo. I need to figure out where to use certain stitches.
  2. Continue planning out the LGBTQ Pride afghan (the square and this afghan all are being planned on my beloved 
  3. Knit a "fashion" scarf or two (those flimsy, lacy wraps/scarves)
  4. Knit a bow tie. I need a smaller hook and lighter weight yarn.

On the bright side? I found my aunt's 3.5 mm and one that was 1.75 or 2 mm? I forget. Before I went out tonight I dropped thise two somewhere in my dorm suite.

Anyhow, I need to find the work I have to hand in today so I'm going to venture into the safety hazard that is my room. Au revoir!


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