Friday, October 12, 2012

First Pattern...Maybe?

I'm working on my first crochet scarf pattern/ Well, first pattern of all. I thought I might as well since I couldn't sleep any longer. Cheers to being productive!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bought some E-Books

They're all crochet pattern Japanese. I just like the patterns in them more than the ones I usually find. I suppose they're more romantic? Delicate? And at $2.80 per E-Book I think it was a deal.

Now, back to writing papers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Bit Behind On the Blog...

And there is a reason for it. I'm still finding bargains, trying out patterns, etc. So I haven't actually done too much full work. Just bits here or there.

I finally got my lace/fingering weight yarns and am expecting the sock and angora yarns if not today in a day or a few more.

These will go toward lacy fashion scarves, knit caps, little motifs, etc.

Hope you're all well!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Planned Projects

Here are a few things I am working on (I have to constantly change what I'm doing or I risk getting bored and letting things go...):

  1. Perfect the pattern for a crochet block/granny square with my friend's beloved internet start up logo. I need to figure out where to use certain stitches.
  2. Continue planning out the LGBTQ Pride afghan (the square and this afghan all are being planned on my beloved 
  3. Knit a "fashion" scarf or two (those flimsy, lacy wraps/scarves)
  4. Knit a bow tie. I need a smaller hook and lighter weight yarn.

On the bright side? I found my aunt's 3.5 mm and one that was 1.75 or 2 mm? I forget. Before I went out tonight I dropped thise two somewhere in my dorm suite.

Anyhow, I need to find the work I have to hand in today so I'm going to venture into the safety hazard that is my room. Au revoir!

The Beginning

     Everything has a beginning...I began knitting as a young preteen. Now, don't get mewrong, it was just me & my 2 needles and the knit stitch repeatedly. As a result? Yards of just a plain "scarf." I never learned anything other than the very basics.To this day I hate purl and will always prefer knit.

     Moving along...Oh, right. So this was getting a tad boring. I usually resort to it to lower anxiety (the repetitive motion of continuous knit stitch is soothing.) 

     My one aunt is a crochet guru. Give her any hook size/gauge, some yarn and she'll make anything. She makes anything from lace work with her nimble fingers to using every bit of yarn she has to make these huge heavy blankets (amazing for winter, especially if you love heavy covers.)

     I had never tried, aside from, you know...that one time when I was seven years old and couldn't remember how to begin crocheting after I finished my chain? Yeah...I got very good at making chains! Anyhow, maybe 2-3 weeks ago I started. It went by faster than I thought it would! I fell in love. (You can see the Week One versus stuff now below.)
Week One
Just Last Week (3rd week?)

    I'm sure you can see that It's not just the plain, same old, knit, knit, knit, knit, ad perpetuam. I'm now working on more complex stitches thanks to a book on over 300 stitches
I am now drawing out the pattern for an afghan I plan to make symbolizing LGBTQ pride. It will definitely be colourful!


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